Keepin' It Simple

Ideas, musings, and suggestions about becoming healthier, more productive, and less stressed.

Success in 2023 by acting like a 3-year-old! emotional wellbeing new year personal growth perspective Jan 01, 2023

For many people, the New Year is a time of looking forward and making a decision to change for the better. The fact is, though, that far more people end up staying stuck than succeeding at making permanent, positive change. is how to make 2023 the best year yet: act like a 3-year-old.


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Out with the old, in with the new! emotional wellbeing forgiveness new year Jan 03, 2022

A new year, a new opportunity for change. Often, however, we find ourselves making the same promises and resolutions year after year. Why? Our ability to move forward in life (whether it be toward specific goals, emotional health, and growth, or personal and professional development) is dependent...

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